The Fund has remuneration policies which are aligned with and promote sound and effective risk management, and discourage excessive risk taking. These remuneration policies have been updated to integrate sustainability risk.
The identification and prioritisation of principal adverse sustainability impacts may vary from investment to investment due to the variety of activities covered by the fund objective (from viticulture to wine-making, bottling, distribution etc.) Identification is typically expected to occur at due diligence stage via the completion and assessment of an internally developed ESG Due Diligence Questionnaire.
ESG indicators are not well-established yet, but the Fund will continue to seek relevant indicators.
Typically, the Fund aims for 100% takeover, but in the event that this is not possible, we will monitor investee companies on relevant matters and manage actual and potential conflicts of interests in relation to their engagement like for example “greenwashing”.
Being an authorised investment fund, the Fund will endeavour to follow industry and other relevant guidelines and business conduct codes for due diligence and reporting. Typically, these are designed to mitigate risk. The Fund relies on the fund manager as the regulated AIFM to assist with these matters.
The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change. It is in the interests of the fund, the investors and all stakeholders for the Fund to align its activities with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
The Fund is committed to putting sustainability at the centre of its investment process, based on the belief that sustainability risk, including climate risk, is investment risk, and that sustainability-integrated portfolios provide the best opportunity for performance over the long term. Some key sector specific risks are covered below.
Water and wastewater management:
Energy: Modern techniques have been designed to avoid wasting resources, increase conservation and benefit the environment.
Emissions: The most important indirect emissions come from electricity generation.
Those companies that are deemed to be in severe and systemic breach of certain principles are excluded from the Company’s investment screens.
Due Diligence and Reporting
The Fund works closely with the external portfolio manager to efficiently incorporate ESG alongside financial factors in the investment decision process and to promote active engagement, collaboration, transparent disclosure and reporting.